Thats another of her favourite place for contemplation.. the rocking chair.. but she needs company...
thats our cute little room... its small completely cramped but JUNE just loves it...
Well in morning she usually sits on the balcony and contemplates.. past life I guess... the trials and trebulations that she had experienced.. this is snap catches in between one such session
She does have a gorgeous smile but look at me teeth.. June is atleast in a better position.. she has no teeth at all...
Yes thats me with my darl.. I must thank bro for capturing this beautiful moment...
This is another of my favourite.. Well when people say she looks like me and I tend to disagree otherwise how come she looks so beautiful.. On this occasion I caught her when she had shampooed her hair...
Well she is royally pampered.. and ofcourse my bro contributes to that as well.. sometimes i find her to be too highbrowed...
My favourite. She is now all of 5 months. Slowly she is acquiring a personality. I dare say she likeable. Give her some time... and you will see what I mean..