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Apr 2, 2007

Good People. Good Fun.

All my apprehensions of an awkward boring evening was proven wrong. I always knew Rumman was excellent company but the same applies for Scout as well.

Ghetu being Ghetu, it takes time for him to let his hair down. But that is not taking away anything from the fact that he is an excellent human being. I believe in this aura thing and I enjoy having people around me and my family who exude a positive aura.

Thanks everyone for allowing us to host you all. And hope future opportunities will soon come by. June has got her second role model it seems (the first is obviously her mom) so Scout you better come again.

I apologise to Rumman for not having extended the invitation to him formally but I also thank him for not having been caught up in the egonet. Thats one of the reason why I have a special liking for him.

Ghetu deserves all credit for having the ingenuity of calling Rumman.

The day's performance index*.

Ghetu: 8/10
Rumman: 9/10
Scout: 10/10
Mun: 10/10
Kaushik: 6/10

*all marks are based on subjective assessment of mine. The procedures of the same will never be revealed.

P.S. - Its an irony though that it required a good but naughty soul in Delhi to get some good people in Bangalore to get together.


Shuv said...

good show!!

Scout said...

ditto ditto. i couldn't agree more with my assessment. what an ego boost! now the naughty but good people from delhi have to make an appearance for "closure" ;)

kaushik said...

Scout: "Closure"???? Eichilo apnar mone?? Or should it be "Closer"? I think it was a typo. Wasnt it?

Scout said...

naah. was trying to be melodramatic. sigh. ;)

ghetufool said...

i am second from the last as performance goes. i protest. the evaluator is showing favouritism to the fairer sex. i protest, i protest.

ghetufool said...

but you missed June. i give her 110/100 (if that is possible).

ghetufool said...

BTW, thanks for being nice hosts.

kaushik said...

Ghetu: Ek aadmi aur teen comments.. Thanks yaar... B/w I can divulge the details of my procedure if you promise me and my daughter 1 huge Sunday at Corner House.

Scout: Melodrama is excellent. Only it should foreclose things.

Shuv: When??

Shuv said...

Cold feet..there is a serious danger of losing my head from what i am hearing.

Scout said...

hmmm. its wise to have cold feet sometimes eh?

ghetufool said...

anyday kaushik. only you have to let me know where is this corner house.

Scout said...

ghetu, you don't know where corner house is?? i am appalled... its EVERYWHERE! its amazing... vanilla icecream with chocolate sauce and dry fruit.. mmmm

kaushik said...

Scout: The one with peach is my favourite. Actually there is small muslim joint a short walk from my house who makes this amazing 'Strawberry Passion'. Only yesterday me and Jun shared a Pineapple Caremello (6/10).

And forgive Ghetu. He is simpleton. How would he know Corner House? He even claimed he never had sausages & salami before. I can understand Ghetu even I used to do these things at some point of time.

Shuv said...

by the way koushik..are you convinced now that scout is not RIP and definitely not a man?

kaushik said...

Shuv: yes i am convinced she is a woman by birth.. but i thought she was more man than many men I have might.. and lets not get too quantitative here..

Scout said...

HA HA... I agree with Kaushik. Many a man has wilted beneath my eagle eyes.

Vincent said...

Thanks for revealing details of Ghetu the man of flesh and blood!

kaushik said...

Scout: This is getting into unchartered territories where sensibilities are least cared for. So i quit this loop.

Yves: Ghetu - "the man of flesh and blood"? Nops. He is just a nice boy. But I am sure he will grow up in the next 2 years or so once he gets married to the right girl.