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Nov 8, 2005

Enlighten dont Divide....

A recent letter from a friend sparked this mail. I feel its an important issue to share in this increasing divisive world.

I have a blind and instinctive reverence for Ramakrishna and Vivekananda. But I have not read their thoughts in detail. Recently a friend of mine who is also a great admirer of them brought their name in the context of religion, bharatmata. I have a problem with that. My hunch (its a hunch because I have not done enough reading) is that their teachings and philosophies have nothing to do with all this.

Think about this.

There were so many species on earth including homo sapiens. Because of our superior brains and survival instincts we managed to be lord of this earth. We have set our rules, divided our land as per our whims and fancies. Where does all this leave the other species. They are all left marginalised. My wife has the audacity to shoo away a street dog away for encroaching some space in my house. But on what basis..

And now the fitter amongst us are trying marginalise people on some pretext or the other. Hitler tried to do that to telling effect and has left a scar. A country like Israel's entire existence hinges on that.

Its Darwinian theory in play. But I guess its a destructive cycle. Tommorrow a more intelligent and fitter species may come and we will be swept aside. And you never know our ancestors will be shooed away..

How were coutries formed?

Countries were formed ages back out of political considerations out of sundry different reasons.Sometimes out of exigencies, sometimes religion and mostly divisive lines. Ramakrishna has nothing to do with that..

Its about Knowledge

I will be able to better explain all this once I acquire wisdom and knowledge and some more grey hair. People like Ramakrishna and Vivekananda were rare. And there are numerous like them in various nooks and corners of the world whom we do not know about. People who try to decipher the world and enlighten us.

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